Color: Adjustable (23256), Adjustable (23362), Unadjustable (white), Lemon yellow, Barbie, Macaroni, cyan (children's money), Blue (for children), Blue White, Pink (for children), Pink (for children), Grey (for children), Full powder, Grey, Grey black, 73001(Printed), 73002(Printed), 73003(Printed), 73004(Printed), 73005(Printed), 73006(Printed), 73007(Printed), 73008(Printed), 73009(Printed), 73010(Printed), 73011(Printed), 73012(Printed), 73013(Printed), 63001(silk screen), 63002(silk screen), 63003(silk screen), 63004, 51001(fluorescence), 51002(fluorescence), 51003(fluorescent), 51004(fluorescence), 51005(fluorescence), 51006(Fluorescence)
Processing: Printing
Can LOGO: be printed
Function: preventing bacteria
Material: Cotton
Processing customization: Yes
Processing: Printing
Can LOGO: be printed
Function: preventing bacteria
Material: Cotton
Processing customization: Yes