What Is The Gift for Wedding Guests Called?

Weddings are not just about the couple exchanging vows; they're also about celebrating with loved ones. As hosts, one way to show your appreciation for your guests is by presenting a thoughtful wedding favor.

But what's the best wedding party favor or wedding favor to give your guests? From traditional tokens to modern trends and everything in between, this comprehensive guide will help you navigate the world of wedding favors with finesse.

What are Wedding Favors?

Wedding guest gifts, also known as "wedding favors", are tokens of appreciation given by guests to the newlyweds to commemorate their special day. These favors symbolize love, support, and well wishes for the couple's future together.

Newlywed couple sharing an intimate moment under a floral archway in a lush garden setting.

Importance of Wedding Favors

Wedding favors serve as tangible reminders of the love and support shared on the couple's big day. They are cherished keepsakes that hold sentimental value for years to come.

Here are 3 importance of wedding favors:

  1. Expressing Gratitude: Wedding favors serve as a heartfelt gesture of appreciation and gratitude towards the guests who have taken the time to attend the wedding ceremony or reception. These gifts symbolize the couple's thankfulness for the love, support, and presence of their family and friends on their special day. By presenting wedding door gifts, the couple acknowledges the significance of their guests' participation and expresses their heartfelt thanks in a tangible and meaningful way.

  2. Creating Lasting Memories: Wedding favors play a crucial role in creating lasting memories for both the couple and their guests. These gifts serve as keepsakes or souvenirs that guests can take home to remember the joyous occasion and cherish the memories shared with the newlyweds. Whether it's a personalized trinket, a delicious treat, or a practical favor, wedding door gifts evoke fond recollections of the wedding day and the love and happiness shared among family and friends.

  3. Enhancing Guest Experience: Wedding favors contribute to the overall guest experience and add an extra touch of thoughtfulness and hospitality to the wedding celebration. By carefully selecting and presenting meaningful gifts, the couple can make their guests feel valued, appreciated, and welcomed. Thoughtfully chosen wedding door gifts can also reflect the couple's personality, theme, or cultural traditions, further enhancing the guest experience and leaving a lasting impression of warmth and generosity. Ultimately, wedding door gifts contribute to creating a memorable and enjoyable experience for all attendees, ensuring that the wedding celebration is truly special and unforgettable.

History of Wedding Favors

Origins of Wedding Favours

The tradition of giving wedding favors dates back centuries, with roots in various cultures around the world. In ancient times, these favors often include a unique keepsake or an edible food item to remind others of the wedding day.

Evolution of Wedding Favors

Over time, the tradition of wedding favors has evolved, reflecting changes in societal norms for a unique wedding and cultural practices. What started as simple tokens of goodwill has transformed into a diverse array of gift-giving customs.

Traditional Wedding Favors

Different cultures have unique traditions when it comes to choosing a wedding favor. From symbolic gestures to customary rituals, these gifts vary widely across regions and ethnicities. A traditional wedding favor may include items like a sweet treat or a favor box of small trinkets.

Modern Trends in Wedding Favors

Personalization makes a popular wedding favor idea, with many couples opting for customized items that reflect their personalities and interests. From monogrammed keepsakes to engraved mementos, personalized gifts add a unique touch to the celebration.

Young couple in casual wedding attire embracing by a rocky seaside, exuding a carefree vibe.

Selecting the Best Wedding Party Favor

Factors to Consider When Choosing A Wedding Party Favor

When selecting a wedding party favor, consider factors such as the interests, lifestyle, and preferences of the majority of your guests. Thoughtful gifts like edible wedding favors, or a practical keepsake is sure to make the perfect wedding favor.

Wedding Favors for Various Themes and Seasons

Gifts for A Destination Wedding

A destination wedding like a beach wedding, present unique opportunities for gift-giving, with options ranging from travel-inspired keepsakes to more practical items that reflects the rustic affair.

Seasonal Wedding Favor Ideas

Consider the time of year when selecting your wedding favor. Seasonal themes and motifs can inspire creative gift ideas that capture the spirit of the season and add a festive touch to the celebration.

DIY Wedding Guest Gift Inspiration

Homemade Gift Ideas

Handmade gifts are one of the favorite wedding favor ideas of all time. It adds a custom touch and are often cherished by guests of all ages. DIY wedding door gifts can include homemade sweet treats meant for the sweet tooth, mini bottles of small trinkets or a packet of wildflower seeds.

Personalized Wedding Favors

Infuse your DIY gifts with personal touches that reflect your relationship with the guests, especially if they're VIPs. Whether it's personalized labels of guest names, or a custom illustration, small details are a fun and great idea for weddings, engagement ceremonies and even bridal showers.

3 Unique Wedding Favor Ideas in Singapore

  1. Pandan Chiffon Cake in a Jar: Pandan chiffon cake is a beloved Singaporean treat known for its fragrant pandan flavor and light, airy texture. Create mini pandan chiffon cakes in jars as unique DIY wedding favors. Bake individual chiffon cakes in small glass jars, layering the batter with pandan essence for flavor. Once baked and cooled, seal the jars with lids and decorate them with ribbons or twine.

  2. Customized Hainanese Chicken Rice Kits: Hainanese chicken rice is a quintessential Singaporean dish beloved for its fragrant rice and tender poached chicken. Create customized DIY Hainanese chicken rice kits as unique wedding favors. Fill small jars or containers with pre-measured portions of jasmine rice, chicken broth cubes, and packets of ginger and chili sauces. Include recipe cards with step-by-step instructions for cooking Hainanese chicken rice at home.

  3. Scented Soy Wax Candles with Local Fragrances: Create scented soy wax candles infused with local fragrances as unique DIY wedding favors inspired by Singapore's diverse cultural heritage. Choose fragrances such as orchid, frangipani, or lemongrass to evoke the scents of Singapore's tropical landscapes. Melt soy wax flakes and mix in fragrance oils before pouring the mixture into small jars or tins. Once the candles have set, decorate the containers with Singaporean-inspired motifs or patterns.

Personalized Wedding Favor Ideas

Unique Wedding Favor Ideas

Personalization adds a special touch to wedding favors, turning ordinary items into cherished keepsakes. Explore custom options such as monogramming, engraving, or bespoke designs that reflect the couple's style and taste.

Importance of Personalizing A Wedding Favor

Personalized wedding favors show that you've put thought and effort into selecting a meaningful keepsake for your guests. By adding a personal touch, you create a lasting wedding favor that celebrates your love and commitment as a couple.

Eco-Friendly Wedding Favor Options

Sustainable and Environmentally Wedding Favors

For eco-conscious couples, sustainable wedding favors are a thoughtful choice that aligns with their values. From recycled materials to biodegradable products, an eco-friendly wedding favor is a greener alternative to a traditional gift.

Here are 5 best wedding favors that are eco-friendly:

  1. Seed Packets: Give your guests the favor of growth with seed packets. Choose flower, herb, or vegetable seeds that are easy to grow and well-suited to your region's climate. Package the seeds in biodegradable envelopes or recycled paper packets, and include planting instructions to encourage guests to start their own gardens.

  2. Reusable Tote Bags: Help guests reduce single-use plastic waste by gifting them with reusable tote bags. Choose bags made from organic cotton, recycled materials, or sustainable fabrics. Customize the tote bags with your wedding logo or a meaningful message for a personal touch.

  3. Beeswax Wraps: Encourage sustainable living with beeswax wraps as wedding favors. These eco-friendly alternatives to plastic wrap are made from cotton fabric infused with beeswax, jojoba oil, and tree resin. Guests can use them to wrap food, cover bowls, or pack snacks, reducing the need for single-use plastic.

  4. Bamboo Kitchen Utensils: Provide guests with bamboo kitchen utensils as practical and sustainable wedding favors. Bamboo is a fast-growing and renewable resource, making it an eco-friendly choice for utensils such as spatulas, spoons, and tongs. Package the utensils in recyclable packaging with a tag or label featuring your wedding date or initials.

  5. Homemade Treats: Create homemade treats such as cookies, granola, or jam. Use locally sourced and organic ingredients whenever possible, and package the treats in reusable jars or containers. Add a personalized label or tag with a short message to thank your guests.

These eco-friendly wedding door gift options are not only sustainable but also meaningful and memorable, allowing you to share your commitment to the environment with your guests while celebrating your special day.

Benefits of Eco-Friendly Gifts

In addition to reducing environmental impact, eco-friendly wedding guest gifts support ethical practices and promote sustainability. By choosing eco-conscious options, you contribute to a healthier planet while celebrating love and commitment.

Here are 5 reasons why you should get something eco-friendly:

  1. Environmental Impact: Opting for eco-friendly wedding door gifts helps reduce the environmental footprint of your wedding. By selecting gifts made from sustainable materials or promoting sustainable practices, such as reducing single-use plastics or supporting eco-conscious businesses, you contribute to conservation efforts and minimize waste generation. This environmentally responsible choice aligns with the values of sustainability and conservation, demonstrating your commitment to protecting the planet.

  2. Guest Appreciation: Eco-friendly wedding door gifts often resonate with guests and are appreciated for their thoughtfulness and sustainability. By providing guests with gifts that are practical, reusable, or biodegradable, you offer them meaningful souvenirs that align with their values and lifestyle choices. Guests are more likely to cherish and use eco-friendly gifts, knowing that they contribute positively to the environment and support sustainable practices.

  3. Positive Brand Image: Offering eco-friendly wedding door gifts can enhance your brand image and reputation as a socially responsible couple. By incorporating sustainability into your wedding planning, you showcase your commitment to making ethical and environmentally conscious choices. This can leave a lasting impression on guests, vendors, and the community, inspiring others to adopt similar practices and contributing to a culture of sustainability within the wedding industry. Additionally, sharing your eco-friendly initiatives through social media or wedding announcements can amplify your message and inspire others to follow suit, further extending the positive impact of your green wedding choices.

Budget-Friendly Wedding Favor Ideas

Affordable Options for Guests on a Budget

Luxurious wedding favors are not the only thoughtful way to go. Fortunately, there are plenty of affordable options available that allow you to show your appreciation without breaking the bank.

Here are 5 affordable options for wedding party favors in Singapore:

  1. Mini Succulents: Mini succulents are budget-friendly and make charming wedding favors. They are low-maintenance plants that come in a variety of shapes and sizes, adding a touch of greenery to your guests' homes. Purchase bulk succulents from local nurseries or online suppliers and pot them in small containers or biodegradable pots.

  2. Handmade Soap Bars: Handmade soap bars are affordable and practical wedding favors that your guests will appreciate. You can easily make your own soap bars using natural ingredients such as olive oil, coconut oil, and essential oils. Cut the soap into individual bars and package them in biodegradable wrapping paper or recycled cardboard boxes.

  3. Customized Tea Bags: Purchase bulk tea leaves in different flavors such as green tea, herbal tea, or fruit tea, and divide them into individual servings. Package the teas in eco-friendly muslin bags or paper envelopes and add personalized tags or labels with a thank-you message.

  4. Homemade Cookies or Treats: Give wedding favors that include homemade cookies or treats. Choose simple recipes such as chocolate chip cookies, shortbread, or brownies that are easy to make in large batches. Package the treats in biodegradable cellophane bags or reusable containers and tie them with decorative ribbons or twine.

  5. DIY Terrarium Kits: Create DIY terrarium kits as unique and affordable wedding favors for your guests. Purchase small glass containers or jars, along with succulent plants, pebbles, and potting soil. Assemble the materials into DIY terrarium kits and include instructions on how to assemble and care for the terrarium.

Creative Ways to Save Money on Wedding Favors

Get creative with your gift-giving approach and explore cost-effective alternatives that don't compromise on thoughtfulness. From DIY projects to group contributions, there are many ways to give meaningful gifts on a budget.

Here are 5 fun creative ways to save money on wedding favors:

  1. DIY Creations: Get crafty and create your own wedding favor to save money while adding a personal touch. Consider making handmade candles, bath salts, or infused oils using affordable ingredients and simple packaging. You can also craft personalized items such as bookmarks, magnets, or keychains using materials like wood, clay, or fabric. DIY creations not only save money but also allow you to customize the gifts to match your wedding theme and style.

  2. Bulk Purchases: Take advantage of bulk discounts by purchasing your wedding favor in larger quantities. Many suppliers offer discounted rates for bulk orders, allowing you to save money on items such as mini succulents, candles, or tea bags. Coordinate with other couples or events to combine orders and maximize savings. Buying in bulk not only reduces the cost per item but also ensures that you have enough gifts for all your guests without overspending.

  3. Opt for Edible Gifts: Choose edible gifts as wedding party favors, as they are often more affordable than non-consumable items and are sure to be appreciated by guests. Consider options such as homemade cookies, chocolates, or gourmet snacks that you can make or purchase in bulk at a lower cost. Package the treats in simple but elegant containers or bags and add a personalized tag or label for a thoughtful finishing touch.

  4. Minimalist Packaging: Save money on wedding door gifts by opting for minimalist packaging that is both affordable and eco-friendly. Choose simple packaging materials such as brown kraft paper, recyclable cardboard boxes, or biodegradable cellophane bags. Skip elaborate decorations and opt for a clean and understated look that lets the wedding favor itself shine. You can add a personalized touch with a simple ribbon, twine, or custom sticker without breaking the bank.

  5. Multi-Purpose Gifts: Select a wedding door favor that serve multiple purposes to maximize value and minimize costs. For example, consider items such as reusable tote bags, eco-friendly water bottles, or bamboo utensil sets that guests can use during the event and take home as keepsakes. Choosing multi-purpose gifts not only saves money on separate favors but also reduces waste by providing practical and functional items that guests will appreciate long after the wedding.

Wrapping and Presentation of Wedding Favors

Fun Creative Packaging Ideas

The presentation of a wedding favor is just as important as the favor itself. Get creative with packaging ideas that reflect the wedding theme, your wedding details or showcase your artistic flair.

Importance of Presentation

A beautifully wrapped wedding favor is a fun way to create excitement for your guests. Thoughtful presentation shows that you've put effort into selecting and preparing your favors, making your ceremony all the more meaningful.


In conclusion, the best wedding favor ideas is one that is fun and meaningful in celebrating the couple's love on their special day. Whether you opt for traditional or modern wedding party favors, the key is to choose a favor that reflects your believes and values as a couple.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What do you call gifts given to wedding guests?

Gifts given to wedding guests are commonly referred to as "wedding favors." Wedding favors are small tokens of appreciation given by the bride and groom to their guests as a gesture of thanks for attending the wedding and celebrating their special day. These gifts can vary widely in form and can include items such as keepsakes, edible treats, or practical souvenirs.

What is a wedding reception gift called?

A wedding reception gift is often referred to as a "wedding favor" or simply as a "favor." These gifts are typically presented to guests during the wedding as a token of appreciation for their presence and support. Wedding favors can serve as keepsakes or mementos of the wedding day and are often personalized to reflect the couple's personality, theme, or cultural traditions.