Fraud Blocker Fingerprint lock Wireless charging Notebook - Customised with Logo Printing - Corporate Gifts - Apex Gifts and Prints
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Fingerprint lock Wireless charging Notebook
Fingerprint lock Wireless charging Notebook
Fingerprint lock Wireless charging Notebook
Fingerprint lock Wireless charging Notebook
Fingerprint lock Wireless charging Notebook
Fingerprint lock Wireless charging Notebook
Fingerprint lock Wireless charging Notebook

Fingerprint lock Wireless charging Notebook

From $248.93 to $259.78

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Product Category: Notebook
Notebook Style: Business Office
Wireless Charging: Notebook
Specifications: ordinary A5 notepad (transparent bag), 8000mAh power supply wired, 8000mAh power supply (support wireless charging), 8000mAh power supply + 16G USB stick, 8000mAh power supply (support wireless charging) + 16G USB stick, 8000mAh power supply (support wireless charging) + calculator + 16G USB stick, Bluetooth Lu Yin + small desk lamp + power supply (support wireless charging) + 16GB USB stick, 4.3 inch screen + 8000mAh power supply (support wireless charging) + calculator + 16G USB stick, 7 inch screen + repeat reading + 8000mAh power supply (support wireless charging) + 16gU disk, paper screen synchronization + smart pen, paper screen synchronization + smart pen + 16G USB stick, paper screen synchronization + smart pen + 8000mAh power supply, paper screen synchronization + smart pen + 8000mAh power supply + wireless charging, paper screen synchronization + smart pen + 8000mAh power supply + 16G USB stick, paper screen synchronization + smart pen + 8000mAh power supply + wireless charging + 16G USB stick, paper screen synchronization + smart pen + 4.3 inch screen + 8000mAh power supply + wireless charging + 16G USB stick, paper screen synchronization + smart pen + seven inch screen + 8000mAh power supply + wireless charging + 16G USB stick
Cover color: dark blue (color LG can be customized), black-LED colorful luminous screen (color LG can be customized), fingerprint lock-black (color LG can be customized), fingerprint lock-dark blue-LED colorful screen, black - smart paper screen synchronization (3rd generation), smart paper screen synchronization (3rd generation) + fingerprint lock, smart synchronization (3rd generation) + fingerprint lock - 7 inch screen
Binding: loose-leaf
Charging: Notepad customization

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