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The Best Customized Corporate Gifts for your employees that they will Actually Love

While building strong relationships with your business clients is essential, you simply cannot overlook the importance of your employees. Your team puts in effort and hard work that work towards your business goals. According to the Kronos study, 45% of HR leaders believe that employee turnout is influenced by the burn out at work. Therefore, you need to show gratitude to your workers as well as appreciate all the work they have been doing.

A simple method to show that you are thankful for their efforts is offer customized gifts to them. This can be done at the beginning of holiday season or after achieving certain business goals etc. Here are some of the best customized gifts that you can give to your employees:

1. Customized Portfolio

One of the most elegant things you can give to your employees as a thank you gift is customized portfolio bags. This will be useful to your employees as they can organize the stationary in one place. They can use it for arranging business cards, pens, and notepads while also having easy access to a calculator.

The key to getting a good portfolio is getting high-quality presents made with premium leather or mole skin. With help of corporate gifts logo printing company you can also put your company information to customize it. If you want to make the portfolios feel more special and heartwarming, you can add the name of the employees on the front as well.

2. Moody Cards

It is a proven fact that if your employees feel engaged, there are up to 59% chances that they will not look for another job. This is why you need to bond with your workforce to retain your employees. A wonderful technique for bonding is by using humor around the work place. When you are giving out customized gifts, you can also give mood cards placed like calendars on the desks.

The moody cards allow your employees to flip the cards and choose the mood they want to display. The messages can be interesting and related to work such as ‘Do I Look like Google?’, ‘Try turning it off and on’ etc. On each card, you can add customized information about the company such as the logo so that your employees feel involved with the company

3. Travel Backpacks

So, everyone is getting ready for the holiday season or maybe some employees are getting a break to go on a business trip. What could be better gift to give them than a foldable travel bag? You can even get logo printing on canvas bag to give to your employees.

This will naturally be a useful gift to them when they are out on the trip as everyone needs carriage. Moreover, if you purchase classy and eminent travel bags, the employees are more likely to use them during their travelling plans.

4. Essential Oil Diffuser

There is no other way to show your appreciation than giving something that will let your employees know that you care about their working environment. The customized essential oil diffusers and humidifiers can help the employees relax and focus on the tasks with more motivation. It is natural to feel cloudy and nervous while you are working.

However, the relaxing properties of oil diffuser will help them unwind whether they use it at work or home. Whereas, the humidified properties will make the work place feel pleasant and calming.

5. Coffee Mug Warmer

The research done by Snappy states that almost 44% of employees at any work place think that their value is represented by the gifts that they receive from their employer. This goes to show how thoughtful you must be when you are picking out presents for your team. However, we all appreciate a warm mug of coffee at work.

There is nothing like coffee in the morning or during work break to refresh you and set you back on track. Therefore, you can bulk purchase corporate gifts like coffee mug warmers for every employee. With your company’s logo, they will also make the work force feel specially recognized by the employer and feel acknowledged.

6. Silicone Lunch Box

If you want to sustain your work force and maintain your team, you also have to show that you care about your well-being. The next occasion when you have to give customized gifts can include silicon lunch boxes as well. Since many employees like to bring their own lunch, the foldable lunch box which is leak proof can be really helpful to them.

Employees are more likely to appreciate practical gifts that they can use in their day-to-day life. Therefore, getting a non-toxic foldable lunch box will be appreciated as a ‘thank you gift’ after certain goals has been achieved

7. Personalized Water Bottle

One survey held on the work place culture shows that every one in three employee feels they are not valued in the work place. Eventually, these employees end up switching jobs. However, creating a culture of recognition will naturally boost the motivation of work force in the company. This is why you need to purchase gifts for employee recognition which feel practical and special.

Personalized water bottles with the company’s logo and the employee’s name or animated image can make for a wonderful present. The millennial and Gen-Z population is definitely convinced about integrating drinking water regularly and they can appreciate the water bottle with fruit filers even more.

8. Customized Paper Weights

Have you ever heard the phrase ‘out of sight, out of mind’? This can be applied in the work space too. If you bulk purchase corporate gifts for employees that remain in their eyeshot, they are more likely to remember that you appreciate them and hold them valuable in the office.

Therefore, adding charming and colorful desk accessories can do the job of providing the bonding element. Customized paper weights for each employee can make up for a precious little gesture appreciated by everyone in the work place.

9. Customized Petal Umbrella

Many employees find it difficult to get to the work place during rain or excessive heat. If you want to make your employees feel that you appreciate that they are showing up at the work place, a customized petal umbrella with UV protection can do the job. You can get customized umbrellas with company logo that will further stress that you are acknowledging the effort your employees are making.

Moreover, the team will find it easier to walk to work when it is too hot or drizzling outside.

10. Customized Smart Touch Card Holders

Have you ever fumbled to take out your business card or debit card while standing in a line? This can be an awkward situation for anyone. However, the smart touch card holders give you the opportunity to line up your cards in one place and then take them out with one touch.

The smart touch card holders are practical and almost anyone can use them regularly. You can get corporate gifts logo printing on the card holders that you give to your employees as an appreciation gift.

11. Resistance Bands

Something quite phenomenal and simple that many companies have been purchasing for their employees are customized resistance bands. Once again, as a small gesture, you can convey that you care about the overall health and fitness of your employees.

The resistance band will help you focus on this thought and show your employees that you treasure them as a person just as much as their work is appreciated.

12. Noise Cancelling Headphones

There is nothing as distracting as noise at the work place which can steal away your focus. Every other day, some of us feel like we would focus better if there was more silence around us. Noise cancelling headphones are a great gadget to offer your employees when you want to give customized gifts.


As far as corporate gifts are concerned, the noise cancelling headphones along with logo printing might not be cheap but they can be precious to your team. Therefore, think of bulk purchasing corporate gifts as an investment in your team.

The necessity of giving giveaway gifts and corporate gifts to employees cannot be undermined since the work place culture is what strengthens your team and retains them for a long time. Up to 71% of employees pick a place where there is a culture of giving. Moreover, since majority of work force is millennial or Gen-Z, it is even more important to show recognition. The Millennial Impact Study of 2014 states that 53% of the team members look forward to have their talents acknowledged.

In other words, it is imperative to invest in gift giving culture in a work place if you want to have long term employees. You can find multiple websites where you can bulk purchase corporate gifts including Apex Gifts and Prints. You can find a range of giveaway gifts and even get company logo printing on canvas bag, mugs, portfolio and many other knick knacks for your team.